Japanese Ingredients

Shimeji Mushrooms (Lyophyllum aggregatum)

Description:  Shimeji mushrooms are small button-headed mushrooms that grow in clusters. They have a slippery texture and nutty taste.

Culinary Uses: They should never be eaten raw! Simply sautéed or stewed in soups and curries, shimeji mushrooms are very versatile mushrooms that carry great flavor.

Health Benefits: As with most edible fungi, shimeji mushrooms are anti-carcinogenic and promote healthy skin. They can also lower blood pressure, soothe colds and fevers.


Shimeji Mushroom w/ Eggplant & Miso Sauté

*Serves: 3-4                 *Cooking/Prep Time: 15mins


Shimeji Mushrooms     1 pack 60g      

Eggplant                           1ea

Liquid Dashi                    1T

Miso                                  1T

Sugar                                 2tsp

White Sesame  Seeds     1/2tsp

Salad Oil                            1T


  1. Combine the dashi, miso, and sugar in a small bowl and reserve.
  2. Cut the shimeji mushroom and eggplant into small bite size pieces.
  3. Heat a medium size sauté pan then add salad oil
  4. Add cut shimeji mushrooms and eggplant to the hot fry pan and cook until the eggplant is tender. Approximately 2min
  5. Add the reserved dashi, miso and sugar mixture into the fry pan with the shimeji mushrooms and eggplant until the vegetables are coated with the mixture.
  6. Carefully pour the shimeji mushrooms and eggplant into a serving dish.
  7. Garnish with the white sesame seeds.

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